Sunday, June 30, 2013

Still in Martinique

Last night, it rained a lot.  It’s gotten to where we don’t even bother opening the hatches at night because we know Larry would have to jump up and close them as the mid-evening rain set in.  Instead, the electricity police (Larry) actually allows me to have the fan on in our rear cabin.  It runs all night and helps to keep my menopausal body cool.  Thank you Larry!

This morning, it was dark and dreary.  We’re hoping it will burn off as the day progresses but we have our doubts.  We relaxed with a hot cup of Martinique coffee and watched the rain showers move through.  We ran out of the cheap Amaretto for our coffee quite some time ago and have now almost finished our big bottle of Disaronno (expensive for using in coffee but a necessity when there is nothing else around)!  We’ve searched every store we can in the last couple of nations and can’t seem to find Amaretto of any kind.  Our hopes are that Saint Lucia will supply us with our fix!!!

Finally, Larry worked on the pictures and uploaded them to the Photos page on our blog!  He had taken over the ‘photo’ aspect of our blogging but had fallen short on keeping up.  After all, it is much more fun to snorkel and take the pictures than it is to spend the time going through them, finding the best, uploading, etc.  AND … in his defense, he has a lot of other things he’s been working on so it just wasn’t a priority for him.

We did computer work all morning.  By early afternoon, the rains had subsided.  Well, at least, there was a break between showers.  We have 28EU left to spend before we head out of this place.  We headed to town, not expecting much since it was dead when we first arrived so we expect the worse on a Sunday afternoon.

Ashore, we stopped for ice cream/sorbet.  Yum!  $7 EU gone, only 21 more to go!  We stopped by a very small grocery store that was ready to close.  We bought a six-pack of Lorraine Beer (local) and two bottles of French Bordeaux … another $16.80 EU gone.  Then we found another little market that had a bottle of French Merlot … the last of our Euro’s gone.  Actually, we have 1.17 Euro left.  Not bad!

We just made it back to Soulmatie when the rains started again.  We basically vegged most of the remaining day.  Larry did a couple of chores and I updated and am sending this blog.  Martinique was a very lovely stop.  Tomorrow, we head for Saint Lucia … another nation!

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